7R Panmed company was founded in July 1991 and based on the Memorandum 9, 821 04 Bratislava. Since 1993, he acquired the status of wholesale distributors of medicinal products.
The original activities related mainly to marketing activities, comparative projects, forecasting services and know-how in the field of drugs and drug policy, organizing and arranging conferences, symposiums, scientific seminars, studies, etc.
Since the beginning of contracted exclusive agency and konsignácií drugs of German company Luitpold
Pharma, then Sankyo Pharma and then DAIICHI SANKYO-. The contract is valid until today and the cooperation extended to encompass a number of post-marketing studies as LUIPAS, HIRUPAS and ELMEP.
Prof.Hromec was in those studies, National Project Leader Dr. Andre Local Safety Officer.
In addition, we have implemented a number of original studies as LUIGER / Luivac in people aged 65 and
older / and 3rd year we conducted a study LUIVAC vs UROVAXOM with recurrent urinary tract infections in women. Results of studies have been published and presented at several / international and / events / Bratislava, Prague, Kuala Lumpur etc./
Since. 1993 we had exclusivity to products firm Baxter / Immuno before / where it is predominantly derived from human blood or plasma, immunoglobulins, clotting factors and certain vaccines. For several years we participate in the tender trade in these preparations for the General Health Insurance Company.
Over the years we have worked closely with several pharmaceutical companies as Pharmacia-Upjohn, Ferring Pharmaceuticals, Infusia Oy, rasp, IBI International, Europharm, Technoclone.
In the last 5 years the company has organized and umbrella 30 professional events as:
– Recurrent infections of the respiratory tract – the possibilities for prevention, treatment
– mucosal immunity in the respiratory tract
– Bacterial immunomodulácia and recurrent infections
– 10 years of oral immunomodulatory Slovakia etc.
– We work with top Slovak Immunology and Allergology.
At present, business activities focus primarily on three main partners:
DAIICHI SANKYO / Japanese firm / – We have just stayed oral immunomodulator Luivac tbl., As other /tzv.tradičné/ preparations as napr.Mobilat ointment and gel, and Hirudoid Hirudoid forte ointment and gel, spray Elmetacin, COMBIZYM comp., Indermil, … leading manufacturer of German pharmaceutical and pharmaceutical company Stada, which they are currently sold throughout Europe. This act made essentially the Japanese company management, when there was a merger of companies Sankyo and Daiichi. Luivac- for this preparation we have done every year in spring and fall 4-6 symposiums across SR / together for about 55-60 events /. We also conducted a number of post-marketing studies – LUIPAS, LUIGER / old people /, LUIDERM as well as a comparative study LUIVAC vs URO-VAXOM that we represent and the World Congress in Bangkok in 2012.
In its class it is one of the best and most sophisticated preparations in the world, whose huge potential has not yet been definitely exhausted.
ORTHOMOL GmbH – original German company, which is specialized for years and developed several preparations orthomolecular medicine and whose turnover was up by 15-20%. There is a wide range of about 20 products, of which Slovakia has been certified 3: Orthomol-Immun – to treat and improve immunity Orthomol Arthro plus -on treatment and improve chron.kĺbových degenerative diseases / especially arthritis / Orthomol-Cardio – with heart diseases different provenance. Currently we expanded portfolio prpduktov the other six kinds. Orthomol Junior Determined to strengthen the immunity of children Orthomol Femin Determined women in menopause Orthomol Vital f -syndróm burnout – specially designed for women Orthomol Vital m – burnout – specially designed for men, Orthomol Tendo – strengthening ligaments and connective tissue Orthomol Sport – dedicated athletes. Yet note .: example. Bayern Munich footballers have all their nutritional and regeneration program based on the composition fy Orthomol
BAXTER AG – American multinational corporation, one of the world’s largest derivatives of human blood / Albumin, Prothromplex, Kiovig … / that sell both as a so-called. non-tender products and further are the precipitating factors of human blood / factors VII, VIII, IX and FEIBA, which we have signed a tender with universal health insurance.
SUKL license 7R Panmed Ltd.
SUKL license Panmed
Vlastníctvo Komandera 7R Panmed
Rozhodnutie 7R Panmed – 1.strana, Rozhodnutie 7R Panmed – 2.strana
Rozhodnutie Panmed SK – 1.strana, Rozhodnutie Panmed SK – 2.strana
ŠUKL osvedčenie – 1.strana, Šukl osvedčenie – 2.strana